REDBEAN is a loyalty token reward to the loyal BeanSwap community members that helps grow the BeanSwap exchange. REDBEAN is an appreciation token to our followers that helps in advertising, promotions, spread the good vibes to the market and grow the BeanSwap community. REDBEAN holders are the true Farmers, and we anticipate on treating them like V.I.Ps in our ecosystem.
Community Activity
Reward on community activity such as by helping on marketing, advertising, promote on social media such as TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Blog, Reddit, etc and any other media form that helps the BeanSwap community growth. Example, join telegram get 10 REDBEAN or promote on twitter get 100 REDBEAN and more type of reward.
For Holders
Reward to holders. Community members that Stake (1BNB+REDBEAN) and hold for 1 year, shall receive another extra REDBEAN by end of the period as a gift and appreciation to the holders that stand together with the community. REDBEAN will be used as a medium for our activities such as lucky draw event, contest, and anniversary holder gift (by holding REDBEAN for 1 year).
BeanSwap believe every person has their own hardship moment. Thus, REDBEAN will be used as a medium donation to our holder in their crisis moment. BeanSwap, it’s not just an exchange but also a place where community becomes a family. By holding and stake (0.5BNB+REDBEAN) you are eligible to join our donation and succour programmes. REDBEAN will be used to provide donation to our REDBEAN holders, which are facing critical crisis. Example of our donation and succour programme:- Crisis During Pandemic (BeanSwap Covid-19 Economic Relief Programme)
If you are REDBEAN holder+farmer (stake), facing a really bad crisis during the pandemic, like loosing your job, got kick out from your house and infected with pandemic virus. You can claim our BeanSwap Covid-19 Economic Relief Programme. Students (BeanSwap Scholarships Education Programme) Example : John is a REDBEAN farmer and he wants to continue his study, however he does not have enough money to pay his education fee. John can contact and provide us any evidence such as valid documents and picture of REDBEAN wallet as a proof. John may apply by attach to us his REDBEAN wallet address and also his study admission letter. Critical Accident (BeanSwap Donation Programme) To claim, provide us valid documents proof of the accident and REDBEAN wallet as holder+farmer (stake) Natural Disaster (BeanSwap Donation Programme) To claim,provide us proof of disaster effect valid documents and REDBEAN wallet as as holder+farmer (stake) Critical Health Issue (BeanSwap Donation Programme) To claim, provide to us your valid medical prescription documents and REDBEAN wallet as holder+farmer (stake) Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (BeanSwap Startup Programme) Having a great idea but does not have enough fund to start a startup business? The REDBEAN holder+farmer (stake) can get an extra fund with BeanSwap Startup Programme. Just provide to us your business proposal and model, To claim you may provide to us your proposal and REDBEAN wallet as holder+farmer (stake)
We believe by having REDBEAN project will increase BeanSwap community tenfold and also maintain BEANSTALK APR ecosystem and better price projection.
Ticker : REDBEAN Total Supply: 50,000,000 Contract Address: 0x1cba77a93d7db59eeb62080a4555c5099f5e6c7c
Last updated
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